Bi+ Mental Health

Defining Bisexuality

Bisexual+ (abbreviated Bi+) is a broad term that includes all people who experience attraction to more than one gender. Bi+ Community is inclusive of all non-monosexual identities including pansexual, omnisexual, polysexual, m-spec, and more.

I call myself bisexual because I acknowledge that I have in myself the potential to be attracted - romantically and/or sexually - to people of more than one sex and/or gender, not necessarily at the same time, not necessarily in the same way, and not necessarily to the same degree.
— Robyn Ochs

Bi+ is the Majority

According to a Pew Research Survey conducted in 2022, among LGB Adults in the U.S., 62% identify as bisexual, while 38% are gay or lesbian.


In another survey, 19% of bisexual adults said they were out to all or most of the important people in their life. Whereas 75% of gay or lesbian adults said they were out to all or most of the important people in their life.

Around 26% of bisexual adults said they were not out to any important people in their life. Among lesbian and gay adults, only 4% were not out to any important people in their life.

You may know this term as biphobia; however, I appreciate the Bisexual Resource Center’s clarification that to use the word biphobia is incorrect as it is disrepectful to those with actual phobias. Biphobia is about hate and antagonism.

Bi+ antagonism perpetuates stereotypes around bisexuality. A bi+ person might be told that they are sexually greedy, untrustworthy, attention-seeking, and/or in a phase.

Bi+ antagonism is one of the many reasons it can be challenging to be bi+. Not being believed or accepted can greatly impact one’s sense of safety and belonging.

Bi+ Antagonism


Bi+ Affirming Therapy

If you are looking for someone who understands the bi+ identities, I am here to support.

I am also available to consult with professionals who would like to learn more about the bi+ community and how they can better support their clients and patients.