How do you define yourself?


Who are you, really?

Depending on what we are experiencing, we might feel confused on how to begin to answer this question. We can have a surface understanding of ourselves, but still feel like there's something missing. We may have never really examined this question before. Or, we might be facing a life transition that's caused us to lose touch with who we are. There could also be a discrepancy between who we are now and who we would like to become. 

Notice the stories you’ve been told about yourself and the role they play in shaping your own definition of you.

Is a negative opinion or past experience quietly living inside you and holding you back? Does this shape the story you tell yourself today? When you let go of what you’ve previously been told about yourself, you become free to explore and redefine. To let go, you have to first become aware of what it is you’re holding on to. We can begin to deepen our awareness through self-reflection. Journaling, meditation, art-making, therapy, and conversations with a trusted friend are great ways to reflect. 

Often we think of identity as static. We might believe that in our journey to know ourselves we will eventually arrive at a single definition that stays true throughout our lives. 

In truth, our identities are fluid - changing through new experiences, relationships, beliefs, and over time.

All of this movement can feel overwhelming. Is there a way to shift overwhelm to excitement? You are complex and ever-changing. Undefine yourself. Remain curious about who you are and invest in showing up for the things that spark interest to you. Never fold in on yourself. Look for ways to continue expanding outwards. Try to find a way to enjoy the not knowing and the growth to come. 

“Allow yourself to transform as many times as you need to be fully happy and free.” - Yung Pueblo